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The ensemble modes of participation restructured online support for creativity was one that the artist used in his own music production, and had and community contributions. In contrast to the clarity of the Panel layout 5. During the review period, the majority of threads in the User Forum focused on technical troubleshooting concerns, but we The musician had taken explicit steps to protect his ensemble classified 28 threads as including discussion about community construction through obfuscation of labeling and the arrangement participation and contribution.

These discussions arose in a of components in the structure view; essentially, the normal variety of conversational contexts, often in presented as a sidebar flowchart-like arrangement of the structure had been compressed comment or meta-commentary in the middle of a more technical into a poorly labeled lump see figure 3, and contrast with the problem-solving conversation.

Four recurrent topics regarding community participation and engagement emerged in our coding, and were further investigated in follow-up interviews: contribution assessment, support for learning, perceptions of audience, and tensions around commercialization. Each of these topics is discussed individually below. The first topic in which this discourse can be seen is that of contribution assessment. This theme encompassed discussion about all forms of contribution to the Reaktor community in both the User Forum and User Library, including contributions of ensembles, as well as of assistance and commentary.

Figure 3: Obfuscated Structure layout of Reaktor Ensemble in critical incident. Users often publicly reinforced contributions, and the behavioral norms supporting contribution were fairly common in the User These actions helped spur a particular contentious discussion Forum threads. Sometimes these statements of reinforcement thread in the User Forum. In the Reaktor user community, many concerned the contribution to public knowledge and practice members sanction against confusing or intentionally obscured formation in the forums: ensemble programming, as a poorly organized or poorly labeled please ask me any questions.

The discussion forum thread we observed in this critical a public discussion here would be good for others to learn incident demonstrated the strong and conflicting feelings held by about [the thread topic], and I like helping out, as this forum members of the community at the time.

Below, two users react has been good to me and Reaktor knowledge is one of the few negatively to the obfuscated ensemble, presenting a pro-sharing things that I can really help folks with. In the following example, a about the reaktor community and the reaktor concept user noted he was evaluating a given ensemble across a variety of criteria, including sound, ease of use and appearance: User B: i agree with you User A: i just cant see how bad it can be letting others learn Incredible achievement.

And it looks really cool. Which is a from your own designs, its really the only way to learn this plus. When disagreement about contribution value was present, it A third user replies with an equally strong defense of the usually appeared as driven by confusion or lack of common obfuscated ensemble, justifying it as protection strategy: ground, rather than outright conflict or antagonism.

I downloaded it. What does it do? Stated another way, asking for help is fine and saved settings for existing ensembles as opposed to new encouraged; asking for someone else to do your work for you is ensembles, the following exchange took place: not. Approaching the community in this manner generated some gentle User G: presets to wade though? No thank you! Let mocking of his request and discussion about his degree program, alone It’s In another thread, three users discussed that they gravitated to not difficult.

In this library is filled to the brim with oddities, many of which will give example, we see priority being given to ensembles that support you part of what you’re looking for. In doing so, the public evaluation and acknowledgment of contribution was clear.

Thus each ensemble may not only be reused and repurposed, building up the library and forum as a functional resource and as a but can also serve as a learning object, a fully operational tutorial form of social memory for creative practice. This property of openness also impacts on the way that users in Reaktor 5. These discussions were 5.

In both cases, the results were at times conflicting and individualized. The theme of audience arose less frequently can anyone give me an idiot-proof guide on how to set it [a than that of contribution assessment, although when this theme particular ensemble] up? Related discussions about the need for more tutorials and learning In the thread analysis, the topic of audience was typically opportunities also occurred on several occasions: discussed in reference to NI or in reference to the related issue of I found it [a user-generated tutorial] great.

It made stacked commercialization of ensembles. The topic of commercialization macros look really easy to use…. But what I would really will be addressed separately in the next section. When love is for NI to invest in a great tutorial bringing us from an discussing the company as audience, members were typically intermediate to a more advance level written by the reaktor proposing ways to trying to generate more acknowledgement and gurus out there..

For example, one thread proposed new ways for the more experienced users providing directive scaffolding [23] and company to promote key users, including suggesting an approach skill-level appropriate goal calibration for new users. Start by opening music magazines? Requesting assistance is a common In turn, raising these topics would typically spur debate about the activity in the User Forums, but some means of doing so were value, desirability and realistic prospects of seeking validation treated as inappropriate.

A request for help without authentic from the company. Even better: take your building energy and use it to An email from [well-regarded long-time builder] saying give gifts to the community. One ones that a musician would pull out. In a follow-up question, participant 3 clarified ensembles, samples, etc. They don’t seem to hang around for very Yet, the prospect of others commercializing their work spurred a long. After stating his feeling that 5.

At the time this study was conducted, small- in terms of people selling their ensembles The inability to compile or export Reaktor community would diminish due to commercialism; but i don’t ensembles has been one key sticking point in this process.

As see that happening at least not now. Some users tend to want to do it, you have to do it. His ambivalence, however, was less derived from professional ensemble builders.

The originator of this thread promoted the idea of a be many ensembles that I would actually pay for. But if they could free run-time library that is, a limited host program for running get someone to do so, could find a market, more power to them. Though 6. As a form of reified practice, a Reaktor ensemble has genre of electronic music.

Each ensemble, by revealing its motivations, and attitudinal stances. In [15] researchers surveyed an online evaluate contribution in distinct ways. Through their survey, the authors contributions, in Reaktor or any other creative community.

The ascertained that users who self-identified as professionals were persistent internal audience of the Reaktor community provides less likely to contribute innovations back to this community. This members with access to learning and problem solving assistance.

Again, individual creative practice becomes the benefits of a given innovation. While amateur and professional potential to drastically influence all of the other topics that arose stances may be in tension, it is important also to emphasize that in our analysis contribution assessment, learning support, these roles are not intrinsically antagonistic; both also share some perceptions of audience. A drive toward commercialization of sympathetic goals. Though professionals may have lower ensembles in the Reaktor community may impact freely shared incentives to contribute freely to a practice community, they do contributions back to the User Library, reducing the community still benefit from the sharing of amateurs.

Contributing their building effects and social memory associated with that custom Reaktor ensembles to the community may not be in a collection. We believe the salient issue is not commercialization per se, built by others would be advantageous. Thus professionals may but specifically commercialization of practice, since that is what tend to encourage amateurs to contribute their creations, even impacts the ability of the community to build and sustain itself.

Thus there exists a fundamental tension in the dynamic between Intentionally designing for interactions between diverse sets of free sharing of creative practice and protecting creative practice.

As we saw in the critical incident presented in section 5. Such users may also decide not to that span different practice and interest communities. Love to have that! Timo Hohnholz: or rather select the entire ensemble and then run it like gentleclockdivider says I have not tried to automate it yet so I can not really tell I thought I did use the function “sort and compress ID’s” Timo Hohnholz: Try going to the “connect” tab, select the instrument and run “ID actions – sort and compress” at the bottom Timo Hohnholz.

Any chances that we will get a Version with automatable knobs i mean all of them? Thanks for that great effort! Olivio Sarikas. Really awesome. They feel much more modular than the Wired Blocks from NI.

SOme knobs most of them are not automatable because you didn’t sort and compress id’s. Sort and compress i’d’s entire ensemble in order to automate the knobs. Rowan Eldritch. Brett Lavallee. Maybe I will redo this ensemble, but for now it’s windows only, sorry.

Switch to Threaded Mode. View profile. Send a PM. View homepage. Add to your Watched Users. View posts. PG Music News. Read more November 30, RealBand is Here! Forum Stats. Newest Members. Top Posters 30 Days. Andrew – PG Music. Swing Sets the amount of shuffle, i. L3 features eight parameters which can be sequenced by programming their value at each 16th. This is what turns old loops into new loops This is displayed in the lower of the two large windows the [Slice Position Sequencer].

By clicking the mouse here you can rear- range slices of the original loop. The window is 16 steps high which means you can select the first 16 slices of your loop. If the selected loop has more than 16 steps, use the [Scroll Bar] at the left to see more slices.

The right-mouse button has a function here too: it restores any step to its default value i. The upper window the [Parameter Sequencer] is for editing the remaining seven parameters: gain, pan, pitch, reverse, roll, attack, and decay. Clicking the right-mouse button resets steps to their default value. Control Function Parameter Controls the values of the various parameters for each sequencer step.

Use the right mouse button to reset a parameter to its default value. Sequencer Gain Adjusts the gain of each slice. Pan Adjusts the position of each slice within the stereo field. Pitch Adjusts the pitch of each slice, i. Reverse Determines the playback direction. At minimum the default setting , slices will play forward as normal.

At any other value they will play in reverse. At lower values, play- back will start from near the end of the slice, whereas with higher values, playback will start from nearer the beginning of the slice. Roll Causes the slice to retrigger repeatedly within each step. With higher values the slice will retrigger more quickly. Attack Causes the loop volume to suddenly cut out and then fade back in. At maximum, the fade in time is exactly 1 beat i.

Decay Modulates the envelope decay time. At center default decay time is unaffected. With higher values the decay time is extended, and with lower values the decay time is re- duced. Therefore the effect depends on the envelope decay time setting controlled by the [Decay] control of the [Sampler] section. Slice Controls the order of the slices. Low values represent slices at the beginning of the Position sample file, high values slices at its end.

Thus, a line from the bottom-left to the top- right results in normal playback order as defined by the sample file without any re- Sequencer arrangement. This can be useful if a long loop with many slices is loaded: As the [Slice Position Sequencer] can only display sixteen ver- tical values, slices after the sixteenth cannot be controlled.

Use this bar to scroll to those higher values. Edit Range Bar Controls the area of steps within the [Slice Position Sequencer] onto which the edit functions are applied. The edit functions are: Reset Slices Sets each step within the edit range to its default position.

Copy Copies all steps within the edit range of both the [Slice Position Sequencer] and the [Parameter Sequencer] into an internal buffer.

Paste Copies all steps from the internal buffer into the edit range of both the [Slice Position Sequencer] and the [Parameter Sequencer]. If incor- rect, the tempo can be adjusted using the slider bar beneath. If the correct tempo cannot be selected, then the loop is not an integer number of bars in length, in which case you cannot use it. All of the sampler controls in this section are stored per-pattern.

Clicking a knob with the left mouse-button writes to the current pattern only, whereas clicking with the right-button writes to all eight patterns simultaneously A to H. Also, double-clicking on a knob resets it to its default position. Tempo Control Displays the automatically extracted tempo of the sample loop in beats per minute. Use the slider to select a different value. Pitch Transposes the overall pitch of the loop in semitones. Stretch Calculates the pitch at which one bar of the audio file will be the same length as one bar of the actual current song tempo, and then transposes the loop accordingly.

It is still possible to transpose the loop when the stretch button is active, but obviously the loop will no longer be perfectly stretched to tempo. In other words, to be correctly stretched the pitch knob must be set to zero.

Shape Determines the compressor gain curve see also [Smooth] and [Damp]. Smooth Reduces the amount of distortion by smoothing gain changes; it controls the attack and release of the compressor. See also [Shape] and [Damp]. Length Sets the hold period i. This is the master control that can be varied for each step independently.

Gain Sets the output level for the current pattern. However, those wishing to start programming beats straight away will need to know a few essentials: e All samplers and FX units can be quickly enabled or bypassed by clicking on the panel label at the top of each section. When bypassed, the label will appear faded. Click again to enable the section. The middle window is for programming the main rhythm, composed of a kick, snare and hi-hat -simply click the mouse in this window to toggle hits on or off, and to toggle hit accent, click and hold the mouse button until the hit changes size.

The lower window is for editing 3 additional sequences – the Pod and Tie samplers, and a mul- ti-purpose, freely-routable modulation sequence Mod.

To select which of the 3 sequences to edit, click the mouse on the appropriate label next to the window. The Sequencer and Remix sections are where the basic drum pattern is programmed. The Out section in the upper right, which allows final adjustment of the overall sound. The middle row of the panel, which houses the 5 samplers. Kick, Snare and Hat carry the basic groove, which is then complimented by the two additional samplers — the Tie and Pod.

The bottom row of the panel, which contains a variety of FX processors. Click the mouse inside this area to toggle hits on or off. To toggle between normal and accented i. The main sequencer window has 4 patterns — A, B, C and D.

When Track is enabled, the main window will always follow and display the current pattern A, B, C or D being played. To select which to edit, click on the desired pattern in the top-left of the sequencer area. Patterns A, B, C and D can be arranged in any order by using the pattern sequencer, at the top-right of the sequencer section. Finally, click and drag on the 8 pattern letters to define the pattern arrangement. The Copy and Paste buttons allow any of the 4 patterns to be copied and pasted, ei- ther within or between snapshots.

To select which of the 3 sequences to edit, click on the label to the left of the window. To reset a sequence, click on the label while simultaneously pressing any MIDI note.

Note that unlike the Tie and Mod sequences, the Pod sequence is bi-polar. When editing the pod sequence, double-clicking the mouse results in a centre zero value. This will trigger the sample but yield no velocity modulation. Note that the Tie, Pod and Mod sequences are independent of the main sequence. The start posi- tion can be edited with the value beneath the Len knob. So for example, if the main se- quence is 16 steps long, and the Pod sequence is 32 steps with stretch is enabled, the Pod sequence will run twice as fast as the main sequence.

Similarly, if Pod length is 8, it would run at half the speed of the main sequence. The remix sections allow this style of play to be emulated without the need for manually programming the variation pattern. The Remix knob selects a pattern from the pre-programmed variations. The rate of the variation pattern i. When the Now! This is especially useful for when browsing through the patterns with the Remix knob.

Positive values shift the output position of the remix patterns, whereas negative values shift the start position of the remix patterns. Thus, bearing in mind that all remix patterns are 16 steps in length, consider the example of pattern one 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6. A shift val- ue of 1 will increment all steps resulting in 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,2,3,4,5,6,7. A shift value of -1 will rotate all steps, so that step 16 is rotated back to the first step, resulting in 6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5.

Remix – Swing, Y tempo and accent controls Swing determines the extent to which a humanizing, shuffling algorithm is imposed onto the beat. The algorithm effectively swings time forwards and back again on al- ternating steps. Dirt controls a distortion algorithm, while Norm enables a volume maximising algo- rithm. For the volume maximiser, Amp defines the maximum amount of volume maxi- misation, Rel determines the release time of a peak detector and Sm determines the amount of slew the speed of shifts in gain.

Loud, but harsh sounds will be obtained with high gain full-right and fast Rel and Sm settings hard-left. Better results will usually be obtained with more modest settings. Note that external input is always routed to Pulp if Pulp input is set to Ext, regardless of the global Ext button. Note that the FX switch overrides the Ext switch setting — in that external input will always be enabled. Acc determines the range between lo and hi accented hits. Higher values result in greater differentiation.

While the Solo buttons deactivates other samplers for solo auditioning, each sampler can also be muted individually by clicking on the section label. Wav selects the sample each sampler has samples and Tune defines pitch transposition. Cut and Res define filter cutoff and resonance respectively. The Kick and Snare share identical controls, with the exception of the filters. The kick has a lowpass filter and an optional low cut button to remove low frequencies.

The Snare features a filter which can operate in either lowpass, bandpass or highpass mode the knob next to cut selects which mode. St defines sample start position; H and D determine the hold and release time of the envelope respectively. Sm controls the amount of smoothing effectively the attack and release time of gain changes. High settings produce less undesirable artefacts at the expense of decreased sound shap- ing. Mod routes the mod sequence to one of several parameters in the section — Wav wav selection , P pitch , D decay time , or Cut filter cutoff.

The Snare mod menu also includes an entry for Flam time. Thus, there are 2 decay times -CD closed decay and OD open decay. When Link is enabled, the 2 samplers operate monophonically, in that triggering one will terminate the other — thus emulating a real hi-hat on an acoustic drum kit.

The Mod menu is the same as with Kick and Snare. Tie Port determines portamento speed, and A defines envelope attack time. The sample can be mixed with white noise using the Noise knob. The Vel velocity menu selects the modulation destination for velocity. First the pitch and amplitude of the incoming signal are detected. The pitch range is clipped with the Lo and Hi knobs, transposed by Tune and slewed by Port. Amplitude is detected by a peak detector, controllable by the D decay knob.

The detected pitch is then routed to a sine oscillator and the filter cutoff of a noise generator. The Osc knob fades between the sine oscillator hard-left , the input signal centre and the noise generator hard-right. Finally, the output is fed into a comb filter. FB determines the amount of feedback, Freq determines the delay time, FM the delay time modulation amount signal ampli- tude being the modulation source , and Cut defines the lowpass cutoff of the comb filter. Comb cross-fades between oscillator output hard-left and the comb filter out- put hard-right.

Some of the 22 effects also have a non- automatable 3rd parameter, which can be set using the slider bar beneath the XY panel. Details of parameters for each effect can be found in Appendix 1. Press Play to enable automation playback, and while Rec is enabled, hold the mouse button and move the mouse to write to the automation sequence. The XY automation is stored in 2 x 64 data points, and Sm toggles between stepped or smoothed inter- polation between each point.

Spd determines automation speed and Len automation length. Dly defines the input signal into the XFX section. At hard-right, the input signal is the Delay unit output. Corresponding- ly, the Dly knob also determines the amount to which the delay section output is sent to the Mix fx mixer section.

Lo and hi can be used to attenuate low and hi frequency elements of the xfx output. Set both to hard-right for no attenuation. Gain determines the overall output level. Delay The delay section is a stereo tempo-synced delay unit, with independent delay times for the left and right channels. One and Two set the time in 16th ticks for the two channels, FB determines the amount of feedback, and Gain the overall output level.

LFO controls the speed of a beat-synced LFO, set to hard-left for a cycle time of 4 bars, and hard-right for a cycle time of a 16th tick. Width controls the amount of stereo separation. Cut and Res define the cutoff frequency and resonance of a post-delay LP filter. Lo enables damping of pre-delay low frequencies. When the Input button is enabled, the mod sequence determines the input level to the XFX and delay.

Clicking on the meter below the input button toggles between pro- portional or binary i. When Mix is enabled, mod is routed to the fx mix cross-fade position as a proportion of the current fx mix knob position, i. Clicking on the meter below the input button toggles between proportional or binary i. Set each knob to centre for no change.

Amp determines the amount of drive into a saturator distortion unit. Trk determines the amount to which an envelope follower modulates the cutoff frequency, and Sm determines the smoothness of the envelope follower. The mod sequence can be routed to cutoff via the Mod knob.

Magic features a notch filter and a granular-pitch shifter. Gr sets the pitch-shifter grain size. Mod and Rmx de- fine the amount to which the mod sequence and the pattern remix position modulate the pitch shifter respectively. Mix cross-fades between the dry and wet signals. First, it contains a vast range of signal- shaping capacities: samples in the six drum tracks don’t determine the instrument’s sound like in a standard drum machine , they only provide the material from which the beats can be sculpted.

Envelopes, filters, and a potent grain re-synthesis algorithm mangle the fundamental sound until it is completely different, but still musical. Second, these versatile sound editing features are combined with an advanced step sequencer offering copy and paste functionality, three different roll types, a triplet mode, independent loop length for each of the six drum tracks, three modulation tracks whose signal can be routed to nearly every parameter of the sound engine — the list of features could be continued.

Yet, those capacities are not hidden behind an endless array of knobs and faders that prevent productive working. The panel is opti- mized for usability and fast access to all controllers, making Massive to a powerful sound de- sign workstation.

At the same time — thanks to a complex and glitch-free snapshot recall sys- tem — Massive can be used in live performances, or slaved to a master song sequencer that changes the snapshots automatically see [Snapper]. Three panel sets give access to Massive and two related utilities.

A third view shows nothing: the instru- ment still works but does not consume CPU power to process the graphical user interface. The copy and paste controls are here, too. This section is followed by four edit pages. Finally, there are three knobs to control the output levels for the dry signal and both effects. The effects section contains a delay unit and a gater. The delay consists of a sequenced input level and a pre-delay high-pass filter, a post-delay low-pass filter with modulated cut-off fre- quency, and controls for feedback and pan.

The gater is triggered each sixteenth or eight trip- let note and remains open for an adjustable amount of time. This amount can be modulated by one of the sequencer tracks, and is useful in subtle sound sculpting, e. When [Draw] is selected, the mouse can set each step value see also [Lock] and [Sequencer][Value Display].

When [Copy] is activated, an area of steps can be selected with the mouse that is automatically copied to the [Edit Buffer]. In [Paste] mode the buffer’s data is copied back to any area select- ed with the mouse; if the paste area is longer than the buffer’s content, the material to be pasted is looped.

Copy If [Remote] is selected as [Edit Mode], pressing this button activates the same behavior of the step sequencer displays as the separate [Copy] mode of the [Edit Mode]. MIDI note See also [Paste! Paste If [Remote] is selected as [Edit Mode], pressing this button activates the same behavior of the sequencer displays as the separate [Paste] mode of the [Edit Mode]. See also [Copy! Lock Keeps the mouse locked on the selected sequencer step in [Draw] mode see [Edit Mode].

Edit Buffer Displays the content of the buffer into which data is copied in [Copy] mode and that is used in [Paste] mode see [Edit Mode].

See also [Snapper]. Snapshot Adjusts the snapshot slot whose data is loaded by pressing the [Snapshot Number Load] button and to which the data is saved upon pressing the [Snapshot Save] button. Snapshot Bank Selects the bank of snapshots that is used by the complete snapshot man- agement system.

There is no undo for this function. Loads the preset selected by [Snapshot Number] and [Snapshot Bank]. This is particularly useful in live situations. Snapshot List Provides a list of all adjustable snapshots of the currently selected snapshot bank. Clicking on an entry loads the entry’s data. Randomization Quantization Select Sets all parameters of the sequencer tracks and effects to random values. The sequencers’ data and the tracks’ level controls are not randomized.

Selects one of twelve quantization presets. Horizontally, each preset ranges over sixteen steps; the higher the displayed vertical value, the more delay is applied to this step. The first preset, for example, alternates between low and high values, so each second step will be delayed, resulting in a standard off-beat shuffle. The presets only define relative times; the effective delay time at maximum values is set by the [Master Shuffle] and [Track Shuffle] controls.

Master Shuffle Adjusts the maximum delay time. This delay time is scaled for each track in- dividually by the [Track Shuffle] control. Grid Controls the grid of the step sequencer displays. Track Shuffle Scales the delay time of the [Master Shuffle] control for each track individu- ally.

At maximum value the respective track uses the main delay time; at the minimum value there is no delay. Highpass Fre- Adjusts the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter that is applied to the in- quency put signal before it is sent to the delay unit itself.

Delay Time Sets the delay time. There are three vertical control boxes: the topmost ad- justs the delay time for the left channel and the middle one adjusts the right channel.

The bottom control switches between sixteenth notes and eighth triplets as fundamental unit of the delay times. Feedback Controls the amount of feedback.

Amount Lowpass Fre- Sets the frequency above which the signal will be dampened. Modulation Controls the speed of modulation applied to the [Lowpass Frequency]. The Rate modulations source is a triangular LFO.

Lowpass Reso- Adjusts the resonance of the lowpass filter. Gater Gate Display Shows the current values of the gate length horizontal axis and the output level vertical axis. Quantization Length Selects the trigger event quantization, switching between sixteenth notes and eighth triplets.

Sets the gate length; the higher this value, the longer the gate remains open after a triggering event see also [Quantization]. Length Modu- lation Selects the modulation track that modulates the value adjusted by [Length]. Release Sets the release time of the gate. Shuffle Scales the amount of shuffle applied to the effect unit.

This is independent of the main quantization pattern and is bound to a standard off-beat shuffle. Low Boost Controls the amount of amplification or dampening applied to the low fre- quencies. High Boost Controls the amount of amplification or dampening applied to the high fre- quencies. Boost Reset Sets both boost controls to their default values. Output Delay Level Adjusts the output level of the delay effect.

This is independent of the [Main Level]. Gater Level Adjusts the output level of the gater effect. Main Level Adjusts the output level of the main signal that is not processed by an effect unit. Normally, you adjust the modulation amount below the source selection control of the modulated parameter. Control Function Track Select Switches between modulation track 1 blue , 2 green and 3 orange. Half Tempo Switches between normal and half speed of the respective track read out: when pressed, each step is interpreted as an eight note; otherwise each step is interpreted as a sixteenth note.

The triplet control bar groups every four six- teenth steps into a unit. If the triplet control bar is yellow, the steps above will be interpreted as sixteenth notes. If it is red, the steps are played as eighth triplets and the last of the four steps becomes inactive. The height of each step represents its velocity and can also be used as modulation source. With the left mouse button, the values can be drawn, copied or pasted depending on [Edit][Edit Mode].

With the right mouse button, the loop start can be set by clicking in the low part of the display. By clicking in the high part, the loop length can be adjusted. In the middle of the dis- play, the right mouse button adjusts the roll mode of each step. Triplet Control Bar Controls whether a group of four steps , , etc. In the latter case, each fourth step is not played.

In the middle, on the steps, the right mouse button adjusts the roll mode of each step through right-clicking and pulling the cursor up or down on a step. There are three roll modes that change their meaning depending on the triplet control. Roll 3 Thirty-second triplets with pauses; at odd steps, the first and third note of the triplet is played, at even steps the second note. Thus, if two subsequent steps are set to this roll mode, a sixteenth triplet is played.

Roll 2 Thirty-second triplets; the step is triggered four times. Roll 3 Similar to Roll 2. At the top end of each track there is a control for adjusting the loop length, indicated by a small red number. Right-click and drag the mouse to select the loop area. A small marker indi- cates the current read-out position within the loop. A small white bar marks the current read- out position of the sequencer track. It is located to the right of the modulation section; it sets global sample select offset and scales other param- eters for all samplers simultaneously.

If, for example, [Master][Transpose] is set to 12, all transpose controls of the six drum tracks are scaled to a range of 12 semitones; if the master control is set to O, transposition is switched off for all tracks. The main page con- tains the sampler module itself where you load sample files; on the panel it is represented by the sample’s waveform.

Further controls select the sample from the map and adjust the pitch shift. The envelope section controls the sample’s amplitude. The parameters of this page can be used to fine-tune the sample, particularly the influence of the gate velocity on attack and decay times.


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